You are invited to submit:
Full Technical Papers (7-9 pages, including references, annexes, appendixes and other relevant material),
Proposals for Technical Talks (up to one-page abstract including short Bio of the main speaker and description of the talk),
Position Papers (5-7 pages, including references, annexes, appendixes and other relevant material)
Manuscripts must be submitted as PDF files via EasyChair online submission system:
Papers should be edited using the CEUR format (see subsection below).
Papers will be peer-reviewed by the Program Committee (2-3 reviewers per paper). The workshop follows a single-blind reviewing process. However, we will also accept anonymized submissions.
We are happy to receive papers that have not been accepted for IJCAI, and we welcome the review comments if the authors want to send them as additional material. Comments can be included in the pdf, however, they are out of the page limits above and will not be included as part of the camera-ready version.
The workshop proceedings will be published on CEUR-WS.
Submission Deadline
May 10, 2024
Acceptance Notification
May 29, 2024
Camera Ready Version
June 18, 2024
Midnight AoE for all deadlines
Notice that despite IJCAI is hosting the workshop, the IJCAI template is not accepted anymore by CEUR (publisher). The instructions below guide authors to prepare submissions:
The new format is named CEUR-ART. Word and latex templates are provided by the publisher: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip
Further instructions regarding these templates are available at http://ceur-ws.org/HOWTOSUBMIT.html within the subsection "CEUR-ART style files for papers."
To produce the pdf, use a 2-COLUMN TEMPLATE: CEUR-Template-2col.docx, CEUR-Template-2col.odt, sample-2col.tex, or sample-2col+minted.tex.
Optionally, if you experience any difficulty to download the zip template file above, please use this link.
For any questions, please send an email to: AISafety Contact
AISafety is strictly planned and MUST be conducted as an IN-PERSON-ONLY event.
Given that online streaming may not be ensured and that the overhead necessary to support a hybrid workshop mode is not acceptable, all presenters should not consider virtual presentation as a possible means and should, therefore, foresee an on-site, face-to-face participation.
In exceptional cases, the organizing committee shall decide whether additional means for participation are acceptable (e.g., a presentation by a third party attending the conference).
All authors submitting a paper (Full/Position) or technical talk proposal implicitly agree with this in-person-only attending policy, and at least one author of each accepted paper MUST travel to the venue.
Multiple submissions of the same paper to different IJCAI workshops are strictly forbidden.