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Dr. Simos Gerasimou
University of York, UK

Dr Simos Gerasimou is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science since 2019. His research interests are in engineering trustworthy software for autonomous systems through the development of rigorous tool-supported approaches using model-based analysis, simulation and formal verification. His areas of expertise include safe AI, software engineering for AI and AI for software engineering, model-driven adaptive and autonomous systems, and assurances for autonomous systems. He is the Scientific Director and York PI of the ERC H2020 project SESAME (

INVITED TALK - SESAME: Secure and Safe AI-Enabled Robotics Systems

Deep Learning (DL) has become a fundamental building block of learning-enabled autonomous systems. Notwithstanding its great potential, employing DL in safety- and security-critical applications, including robots providing service in healthcare facilities or drones used for inspection and maintenance, raises significant trustworthiness challenges. Within the European project SESAME, we develop a model-based approach supporting the systematic engineering of dependable learning-enabled robotic systems. In this talk, we will overview recent advances made by the project team to provide assurances for the trustworthy, robust and explainable operation of DL, focusing particularly on techniques for deep learning testing and uncertainty analysis.

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